Sunday, July 14, 2019

True Facts About Finger Nail Fungus

If you have different colored finger nails ranging from yellow to black or they are very thick, you should know that you have finger fungus. This fungus is very unattractive and many people are looking for treatments and ask themselves what caused the fungus appearance.

True Facts About Finger Nail Fungus

You should know that there is a big range of causes for finger fungus. The fungi are permanently present on our hands, feet and nails. It is no problem as long as they do not find a way of entering the nail through its cracks. Usually we wash fungi off the hands and feet and hey cause no trouble at all. However, when they manage to enter through the cracks of the nail, they may cause serious problems.

Fungi are often found in wet and warm places. This is why we pick up fungus from Jacuzzis, showers, locker rooms or swimming pools. Also, another place we may get finger fungus from is the nail salons. This is because of the transmitting of the fungus from the tools used on our nails. It is recommended that you avoid these types of salons if you have or if you had finger fungus.

We can’t treat properly fungus. This is because they are not very accessible to us as they are under our nails. Unfortunately, fungus may enter even through microscopic cracks of our nails and cause a lot of damage. The worst thing is that they multiply very fast.

Smokers tend to have finger fungus more often. This is why you see often smokers with yellowish finger nails. Smoking dries the nails and makes them crack. Therefore, fungi enter the crack and cause the yellow color of the nails. Also, diabetics are more predisposed to finger fungus. This happens due to the poor circulation of their extremities. If you are either a smoker or a diabetic, you should know the importance of preventing finger fungus.

If you notice the first signs of finger fungus, you may do some things in order to prevent the full blown fungus. First of all, try to keep your nails very dry. Before putting socks and shoes after taking a bath dry your feet and hands very well. Try not to share any tubs or towels with someone suffering from nail fungus. Also, do not walk barefoot in any circumstance.

In summary, there are many causes they may determine the appearance of finger fungus. The most encountered causes are diabetes, smoking, walking barefoot and sharing towels or tubs with someone that already has the fungus.

If you have nail fungus, there are some treatments available for you so you will be able to have healthy looking nails again. Do some research and choose the best one for you.


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