Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment

Nearly twenty-five million people in North America suffer from an ugly toenail fungus. This fungal infection results in the toenails becoming very thick and yellow in color. This condition is unsightly and embarrassing. Not only does it make the toenails look ugly, it becomes very difficult to cut any toenails that have this fungal infection.

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment

Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to treat toenail fungus effectively. There is no sure cure available that works every time. An oral medication such as Lamisil is believed to be effective only ten percent of the time. A new method for treating toenail infection is with the use of special lasers. Some studies have shown that using lasers can be effective in eradicating toenail fungus. The benefit of this treatment is that the lasers can kill the fungus without damaging the nail or the foot.

How do these lasers work? They act by vaporizing the fungus in the toenails without damaging the skin or the nail.

Are the lasers effective? Several clinical studies showed that after having the treatment, nearly ninety percent of the patients eventually grew new toenails that appeared to be healthy. This success rate is similar to that of the pill that is taken orally to treat fungus.

Does it hurt? The laser does not have any effect on regular skin tissue, and the patient feels absolutely no pain. There have been no side effects discovered as a result of this treatment.

How long does it take? Each toe requires about ten minutes of toenail fungus laser treatment.

Is the toenail fungus laser treatment safe? Clinical studies have not uncovered any harmful effects from using this treatment. It can be used on any person, regardless of age or health status. As you may know, some oral medications carry the risk of kidney failure. However, with this treatment, there is no risk of organ damage.

Is it covered by insurance? Most insurers will not cover this laser treatment as it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure. It may cost from $200 – $500.

The treatment usually has a cost of $50. If your infection is resistant to the treatment and the toenail does not regrow properly, you may need to use the laser treatment again for additional treatment. The need for additional sessions is because you have a very strong toenail infection that resists treatment. The small clinical trials of laser treatments for toenail fungal infections show that they can kill the fungus without damaging the rest of the foot.

At the present time, there is no foolproof way to get rid of toenail fungal infections. The commonly used fungus pills are successful about half the time, and they carry the risk of causing liver damage. Medications that are applied directly to the toes are effective about ten percent of the time, or less.

Toenail fungus laser treatment seems to be very promising at the present time. Whether or not it will be the magic bullet that permanently eradicates this embarrassing condition remains to be seen.


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