Saturday, July 13, 2019

Recognizing Nail Fungus Symptoms

Did you notice any discoloration on your nails? Do not take this occurrence for granted as this might be an initial nail fungus symptom. Many people are caught unaware what signals an early recognition of a nail fungus symptom.

Recognizing Nail Fungus Symptoms

To start with, people may have noticed discoloration on their nails but take this for granted unaware that this can be the beginning of the growth of an infection called nail fungus infection. This condition is mainly caused by a fungus that can grow both on the fingernails and toenails. Commonly there are two identified nail fungus that cause this infection. The first is the dermatophyte which affects the toenails and yeast which is the villain of causing fungal infection in the fingernails.

The initial nail fungus symptom of infection is nail discoloration. Other classic nail fungus symptoms are distorted nails, brittle and thickened nails and the common pain felt around the nail bed. This infection can be progressive in the sense that the fungus is capable of affecting other parts of the body such as the skin around the nails. Paronchia, a condition that causes surface infections on the skin around the nails can occur once the nail fungus infection is left untreated.

Some of the nail fungus symptom can be debilitating. With a person who exhibits a nail fungus symptom of thickening of the nail bed can eventually develop an ingrown toe nail. This growth can cause one severe pain and hinder the comfortable wearing of shoes. The common discoloration that occurs to a nail as the initial nail fungus symptom takes the color of yellow, black or green toe nails. These are warning signs to be aware about.

Nail fungus usually thrive under the nails which is sometimes difficult to reach by topical medications. Sometimes, persons with nail fungus infection have difficulty to walk after showing some nail fungus symptom of a foul odor coming from the nail. This indicates an advanced stage of the nail fungus infection condition and should be treated immediately.

The nail fungus symptoms are often exhibited on the toenails as the foot is more prone to stay moist upon wearing socks and shoes. The fungal culprit thrives on moist, dark and warm areas as the foot. This condition can be contagious too through transfer from one person’s infected foot to another barefooted individual or sharing of nail clippers.

Because a nail fungus infection can become a serious condition with debilitating nail fungus symptoms, it is advice that immediate medical consultation to a podiatrist, dermatologist or physician should be taken. The nail fungus infection can progress into a bacterial infection to other parts of the body which can lead to more serious conditions.

At the first sign of nail fungus symptom, an infected person should immediately seek professional help in order to prevent the condition at its earlier stage. The fungus is capable of destroying the nail bed with a resulting painful condition. Early recognition of the nail fungus symptoms can significantly affect the outcome of treatment and prevent progression of the infection.


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