Saturday, July 13, 2019

It’s Easy to Bring Home a Nail Fungus from the Gym

If you don’t want to be walking around for a year with unpleasant, fungi-infected nails, then be extra careful when you hit the gym. Like the Roman baths in ancient times, modern-day gyms are a hot-bed of infection.

Fungi are microorganisms that reproduce best in damp areas with little sunlight. In other words, a locker room floor is like the Four Seasons to a budding young fungus spore. Moreover, thousands of people pass through the average gym and bring along all their germs from work and home. It’s ironic that the places we go to stay healthy are actually infection incubators.

If you’re smart, you won’t skip the gym; but if you want to avoid catching a nail fungus while there, follow the three simple rules below.

Nail Fungus Gym

Gym Nail Fungus Avoidance Rule # 1: Shower Shoes are a Must

Your mother probably hounded you about it before you left for camp and she was right, “Make sure you wear rubber-soled shoes in the shower!” This bit of motherly advice also holds true for the gym. Additionally, don’t keep your gym shoes for years on end. Once they start to get ratty and emit that “special” smell, it’s time to get a new pair. Offensive shoe odors indicate the presence of a mold, yeast or fungus.

Gym Nail Fungus Avoidance Rule # 2: Clean Your Gym Bag Regularly

How often do you run your gym bag through the wash? With such busy lives, we don’t always remember to throw our auxiliary accessories in the wash once a week, but we all should. A gym tote comes into contact with the locker room floor. Millions of bacteria, molds, and fungi live on locker room floors. Now think about all the microorganisms your gym bag is probably hosting.
(I’ll wait while you run and throw that bag in the wash. Don’t forget the shoes.)

Gym Nail Fungus Avoidance Rule # 3: Stay Home when you have the Sniffles

Nobody ever wants to slow down, but if you’re sick, stay at home! Not only is it polite (nobody wants your germs!), but you’ll get better faster if you take it easy at the first sign of infection. Besides, you’re more likely to catch a fungus when your immune system is compromised. So, when the sniffles hit, lay low for a few days and stay away from the fungus-infested, bacteria- ridden gym. Capiche?

Too Late! I’ve Got Nail Fungus. What Should I Do?

If you’ve already contracted a nail fungus infection, don’t panic. They might currently not look great, but if treated properly and early-on, onychomycosis won’t cause any serious harm or pain. Additionally, there are several great topical and systemic antifungal treatments on the market. Options also exist for those who prefer all-natural products. There are even a few household products that may do the trick!
If you happened upon this article because you’ve acquired a funky nail fungus, my sincere apologies. Hey, I’ve been there. But here’s the good news, there are plenty of products on the market which clear up nail fungus. Your bout will be over with before you know it. Best of luck (and remember to keep your gym accessories clean and dry)!


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