Sunday, July 14, 2019

5 Untrue Things Said About Nail Fungus

Nail fungus is a serious condition which affects many people. In the United States only, more than 30 million people are diagnosed every year with this nail infection. Luckily, there are many products available on the market that are said to be very effective in treating nail fungus. Some of them work, some of them don’t. There are many things said about nail fungus and, unfortunately, most of them are untrue.

5 Untrue Things Said About Nail Fungus

Below you will find 5 untrue things about nail fungus:

1) Nail fungus is mainly caused by poor hygiene

Nail fungus is not caused by nail hygiene. This is one of the most popular beliefs in the world. Other factors may induce nail fungus, and poor hygiene is not one of them. Even if you keep your hands and feet clean all the time you may suffer from nail fungus. This does not mean that a proper hygiene may prevent the fungus from spreading.

2) You can’t get rid of nail fungus

This popular belief is untrue. Unfortunately, it makes many people to not try any of the products and methods available today. They think that the products are not effective and do not want to spend money on them. There are ways of getting rid of nail fungus effectively.

3) You can get rid of nail fungus very fast

Unfortunately, there are none solutions on this matter. There are none magical products that can cure your nail fungus in a couple of days. Because nail fungus is found under the skin, it is very hard for medication to attack it. This is why time is needed until the natural or chemical products to have noticeable results. The time needed differs for different fungi from a couple of months to one year.

4) There is a natural product that works for everybody in treating nail fungus

There are many manufacturers that because of the permanent chase for profits will claim that their product will solve the problem of nail fungus for everybody. These claims are not scientific facts and usually are not true. This is because none of the products and home remedies address to all types of fungi.

5) The best treatments for nail fungus are gels and creams

Many people believe that using a gel or a cream is the best way of attacking the fungus. This is wrong as many tests revealed that the vast majority of gels and creams are not effective in treating nail fungus. Gels and creams can’t get through the nail and treat the fungus. The best thing these products can do is preventing the fungus from spreading.

The products that are said to be the most effective are also the most dangerous for our health. These are pills that attack the fungus from the inside but have several side effects which can turn out to be harmful for our body.


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