Friday, July 26, 2019

Natural Oils Can Kill Nail Fungus

Natural oils have proven effective when used to kill nail fungus. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal and antiseptic, while lavender oil has antibiotic properties. Mix these oils in equal amounts and dab under the top edge of the nail along with the surrounding area two to three times daily to fight infection and prevent skin irritation. Desert Essence is one of the many companies that offer a combination of tea tree oil and lavender oil pre-mixed. You can find oils easily in most natural product or food stores.

Natural Oils Can Kill Nail Fungus

Oregano essential oil is one of the most beneficial natural oils used in the treatment of nail fungus. Oregano oil contains antiseptic, antibacterial, antiparasitical, antiviral, analgesic, and antifungal properties. Mix two drops of the oregano essential oil with one tsp. of olive oil and apply daily to toenails.

Caution: Do not use oregano oil for more than three weeks at a time.

These home remedies for killing nail fungus are inexpensive and the ingredients easily obtained. One of the reasons they are so successful is that they treat the root of the infection and not only the symptoms, resulting in long term relief. Persistence is important when using home remedies. In some cases it takes several weeks of treatment before results are seen depending on the severity of the infection. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from toenail fungus, give one of these home remedies a try and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Why Does it Take a Toenail Infection So Long to Heal?

Toenail fungus is a particularly frustrating kind of infection. The fungus is sneaky. Unlike similar ailments, it is rarely painful, especially when you first contract it. Since it isn’t so painful, you might miss the first signs of fungus, when it is easiest to kill the fungus. The fungus creeps into the area at the tip of the nail and along the sides at the skin fold and progresses from there. A great many people suffer from this type of toenail infection. Of course, treatment should begin as soon as you become aware of a possible developing infection as this can easily spread to other toenails as well.

Why Does it Take a Toenail Infection So Long to Heal?

The fungus makes its way inside the nail. As it feeds on the keratin that makes up the nail, the nail hardens and thickens. The hardened, thickened nail actually protects the toenail infection from treatment.

Ideally, the first step is to see a physician to determine the type of toenail infection you have. Unfortunately, most medical insurance regards toenail fungus as a cosmetic problem and won’t cover treatment. Managed care couldn’t be more wrong, by the way. If you can find out what toenail infection you have, you can take the right step to heal it.

Any toenail fungus treatment will take a while before showing any improvement, so patience and persistence is a must.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What Causes Nail Fungus?

Do you think you have fingernail fungus or toenail fungus? You should be aware that not all discolored, thickened or odd-shaped fingernails or toenails are the result of a fungal infection. There are other conditions, such as nail trauma or psoriasis that often look much the same. But chances are good that if you've had the condition for very long it is in fact nail fungus.

What Causes Nail Fungus?

In the course of a day your feet go through a lot of wear and tear. Strenuous activities like running, playing tennis, or even hard manual labor can easily lead to a ruptured nail plate. This causes tiny cracks or cuts in the skin and nail which allow the normal moisture from sweat found in shoes and socks to get trapped in these nail cracks. This creates the perfect environment for a rapid growth of fungus. As you probably already know, this fungus, once it gets rooted deeply in and under your nails, is very difficult to get rid of.

This fungus called Onychomycosis, can infect either fingernails or toenails. Toenail fungus is generally harder to get rid of because of the moisture that is almost always in your shoes. Warm, damp areas like public gyms, saunas, shower stalls and swimming pools, or professional nail salons keep the fungus growing once it gets started and it is then easily spread to anyone who comes in contact with it. Tight shoes that don't breath well add to the problem.

Fingernail fungus causes include jobs where people experience constantly wet hands like restaurant dishwashers, hotel maids or professional house cleaners.

Anyone with a compromised or weakened immune system will have a much higher chance of contracting nail fungus than someone that is healthy. There is a much greater risk for smokers or anyone with other medical conditions like diabetes or poor circulation. Age also plays a factor with nearly half of all people over the age of 70 finding nail fungus a quite common problem.

Toe nail fungus causes also have to do with your ability to maintain proper foot hygiene. This means you must thoroughly dry your feet off after bathing or showering. Nail fungus can easily be spread through wet towels or bathroom floors where an infected person’s bare feet has transmitted it to another pair of bare feet. This is how several people in one family can commonly get a nail fungus.

Fungal Nail Infection – A Closer Look

It should be noted that a fungal nail infection is not a laughing matter nor something that should keep people in a shameful cloud. It’s important to strike against any sort of infection fast, in order to avoid prolonged health defects. What could start as a simple infection, with a simple cure, could manifest into a serious problem that will require invasive medical attention to help soothe. It’s important to always fight infections at the first signs, and in the case of fungal infection of the nails, smell.

Fungal Nail Infection – A Closer Look

Finding the root cause of fungal nail infection could be somewhat difficult. There are several different causes to infection of this nature. However, finding the symptoms is relatively simple. When looking at your feet, if you see scaly skin, yellow toe nails, cracks or brittle nails you need to take measures to reverse them. It’s not just embarrassing to have this type of infection; it could lead to further more serious problems.

There are a plethora of items that can help cure this condition including a many types of fungal nail cream, but it shouldn’t be a matter of waiting for the fungus to appear to protect and take care of your feet. It’s important to always consider preventative measures to ensure that you don’t have to ever deal with a fungal infection of the nail plate. Consider the following steps to keeping your feet healthy, no matter what it is you find yourself doing.

First and foremost, always keep your feet dry, and protected. Wear socks with tennis shoes, and change them daily. Always wear sandals or protective shoes when in a public gym, shower, or public sauna. If you’re an athlete and you develop athlete’s foot, getting further infections can increase, so make sure you treat that immediately. Athlete’s foot can end up causing a toenail fungal infection. Do not pick at your toenail skin, or cut your nails too short. Also, make sure that you always dry your feet after they are wet, whether for recreation or if you’re caught in the rain. Make sure to dry out your shoes as well, if they are wet.

Protecting your feet is the key point of preventing a fungal nail infection. However, if you happen to run into the problem, despite taking care of your feet, you can try some home remedies that might help you stop fungus. The first is simply a vinegar bath. Soaking the feet in vinegar can help stave off further infection, but doesn’t always work with severe cases. The second thing you could try is over the counter medications in cream and spray form. They all have a varying degree of help, but can really help you cure your ailment fast.

If you or someone you know continues to have problems with infections in the feet, and especially the toe nails, consult a physician. Recurring problems could be a sign of something more serious, and should be looked at by a health professional. Always consult a physician if matters get worse, or if puss or blood starts oozing out of the areas. For most, attacking the early signs of infection can be the best option, but if you wait too long, it will be imperative to seek medical assistance.

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment

Nearly twenty-five million people in North America suffer from an ugly toenail fungus. This fungal infection results in the toenails becoming very thick and yellow in color. This condition is unsightly and embarrassing. Not only does it make the toenails look ugly, it becomes very difficult to cut any toenails that have this fungal infection.

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment

Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to treat toenail fungus effectively. There is no sure cure available that works every time. An oral medication such as Lamisil is believed to be effective only ten percent of the time. A new method for treating toenail infection is with the use of special lasers. Some studies have shown that using lasers can be effective in eradicating toenail fungus. The benefit of this treatment is that the lasers can kill the fungus without damaging the nail or the foot.

How do these lasers work? They act by vaporizing the fungus in the toenails without damaging the skin or the nail.

Are the lasers effective? Several clinical studies showed that after having the treatment, nearly ninety percent of the patients eventually grew new toenails that appeared to be healthy. This success rate is similar to that of the pill that is taken orally to treat fungus.

Does it hurt? The laser does not have any effect on regular skin tissue, and the patient feels absolutely no pain. There have been no side effects discovered as a result of this treatment.

How long does it take? Each toe requires about ten minutes of toenail fungus laser treatment.

Is the toenail fungus laser treatment safe? Clinical studies have not uncovered any harmful effects from using this treatment. It can be used on any person, regardless of age or health status. As you may know, some oral medications carry the risk of kidney failure. However, with this treatment, there is no risk of organ damage.

Is it covered by insurance? Most insurers will not cover this laser treatment as it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure. It may cost from $200 – $500.

The treatment usually has a cost of $50. If your infection is resistant to the treatment and the toenail does not regrow properly, you may need to use the laser treatment again for additional treatment. The need for additional sessions is because you have a very strong toenail infection that resists treatment. The small clinical trials of laser treatments for toenail fungal infections show that they can kill the fungus without damaging the rest of the foot.

At the present time, there is no foolproof way to get rid of toenail fungal infections. The commonly used fungus pills are successful about half the time, and they carry the risk of causing liver damage. Medications that are applied directly to the toes are effective about ten percent of the time, or less.

Toenail fungus laser treatment seems to be very promising at the present time. Whether or not it will be the magic bullet that permanently eradicates this embarrassing condition remains to be seen.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Things A Person Must Do When Having Toe Infection

For most people, a toe infection is never a serious thing that one should be worried about. To them infections have the same itchy characteristics like itchy sensations or uncomfortable feelings. If you are one of them, you should know that same infection you are taking for granted may spread to a good part of your feet. You should therefore consult a doctor each time you note a strange condition on your feet.

The Things A Person Must Do When Having Toe Infection

Some of these conditions produce very embarrassing smells where this happens; know that the infection is still in its toddler stages. To stay safe examine the spaces between your toes and take the right action, act quickly and get the appropriate treatment.

Exercise high hygienic standards, this is very important. Avoid things like sharing socks or putting on socks and leggings that are not clean, also ensure that your shoes are dry before you put them on. You may wear your friends’ shoes but make sure you do not do so without socks.

If the infections you have do not seem to go away, consult a doctor. Doctors deal with such conditions regularly and will not be defeated with what to do. They will get you the right treatment. Often the treatments will be either creams or powders that you will regularly apply on the affected toe.

Some people do not respond well to these creams and powders. They develop strange allergic reactions. To avoid this, always check on the content that your cream or powder is made up of. This will help you easily identify what is causing the allergies. When this happens the doctor will use other treatment methods that will not be harmful to you or cause you problems.

You can get the right treatment online from experienced doctors. You can also get to online forums where people in the same position like you, share their views and discuss what has worked for them and what has not worked,never lose hope of getting the right medication for your condition.

Finally, if your condition is improving, remember to air your feet. Wear open shoes to enable air to get to the middle of your toes. This way, you will heal faster than you expect. On the other hand, if you put on closed shoes all the time, your condition may worsen and even bring pain after sometime.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Risk Factors For Nail Fungus Infections

Just as some people are more prone to having heart disease than others, there are a select group of people in society who are more prone to contracting nail fungus infections – and for developing competitions with such an issue.

Risk Factors For Nail Fungus Infections

In this article, we will take a look at who these groups of people are, so that we can identify and understand the risk groups involved in nail fungus infections.

Whilst being in one of these groups does not necessarily predispose you to contracting such a thing, there is certainly a clinically discovered the link between having one thing, and having a nail fungus infection.

What Are The Risk Groups?

The first group of people who are more at risk of contracting a nail fungus infection than the rest of the population – are those with diabetes, both type I and type II.

The reason for this is not precisely known, however it is thought to have something to do with the insulin Response to the fungus when it first enters the body.

The clinical indications for nail fungus infections for people with diabetes is that when you first recognise it, you should visit your doctor and insist on a prescribed and heavily dosed treatment for the issue.

Assuming you can get on top of it before it develops into something more serious, you should be able to avoid complications, and should be on the road to recovery and a minimal amount of time.

Weakened Immune Systems

Another group of people who should be careful when it comes to nail fungal infections, are those with weakened immune systems. For all three of the microorganisms that can infect the body – viruses, bacteria, and fungus – it is the immune system's job to respond to the intrusion, and kill the invading cells.

For people who have weakened immune systems, the response by their haemoglobin cells is not at an optimum level. Therefore, they face the risk of running into complications further down the track if their immune system is unable to get on top of the underlying issue. Hence, anyone suffering from any condition involving a weakened immune system should seek medical advice when they first notice symptoms.
